Tag Archive: negotiations

  1. Client Satisfaction and the Collaborative Law Experience

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    Jessie Lamont & Fareen Jamal

    By Fareen L. Jamal and Jessie Lamont

    Lawyers report the practise of family law litigation to be particularly toxic. The Collaborative Family Law Process creates a more desirable working environment for those lawyers inclined toward problem solving, as opposed to vitriolic litigation. But do clients have the same level of satisfaction with the collaborative process as experienced by collaborative lawyers?

    The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (“IACP”) recently published their findings following extensive research [Linda Wray, “IACP Research Regarding Collaborative Practice (Basic Findings”), The Collaborative Review 12 (2012): 8]. Statistics reflect that the collaborative process is primarily employed by middle to upper middle class, educated divorcing spouses with children, most of whom use some form of the interdisciplinary approach (that is using financial, family or other professionals) in their seperation. Although the vast majority (86%) of these cases settle within approximately eight months through the collaborative process, there is a small percentage of cases that do not settle or are unsatisfied with the process.

    In terms of actual client satisfaction, approximately three-quarters of all collaborative clients polled in the IACP Professional Practice Survey reported being extremely or somewhat satisfied. Even more notably, the satisfaction clients felt for the process slightly outweighed their satisfaction with outcome.

    Clients indicated that they were satisfied with the manner in which their personal respect and respect for their viewpoint was maintained, the manner in which matters were clearly explained, their concerns and confusion addressed, the effectiveness with which their lawyers communicated, and the assistance they received with the development of their parenting plans and options for various issues.

    Collaborative Family Law creates and nurtures a “safe space” for clients who are frequently, at their most vulnerable, addressing a drastic change in their lifestyle, and experiencing intense emotions.

    Separation and divorce present a number of challenges and the success and satisfaction rates of any legal processes are important to consider.

    Seek out personal experiences of collaborative clients and lawyers before selecting the approach you wish to take. Self-examine what you truly seek from the process, and determine what your goals are. Collaborative Family Law may create an increased chance for desirable outcomes and, throughout the entire process, the greatest degree of client satisfaction.

    Fareen Jamal                                                 Jessie Lamont
    Bales Beall LLP                                              Bales Beal LLP
    2501-1 Adelaide Street East                       2501-1 Adelaide Street East
    Toronto, ON                                                   Toronto, ON
    M5C 2V9                                                        M5C 2V9

    Tel:  416-203-4538                                     Tel: 416-203-8591
    Fax:  416-203-8592                                    Fax: 416-203-8592
    fjamal@balesbeall.com                                jlamont@balesbeall.com

  2. Communication

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    How many clients have experienced the frustration of negotiating terms of a Separation Agreement with their spouse in an adversary process that has involved lawyers, and that has seemed to take forever and cost a small fortune? Just when you think you are close to reaching the final “deal” that you can live with, there is a “push back” from your spouse, that makes you feel like exploding. It may not be a major item, in fact, it may not even involve money, but could relate to the return of a “personal item” or the division of furniture, but it is the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”, and you just feel like having your lawyer tell your spouse’s lawyer that the deal is off. Why should you keep giving in? Why does your spouse have to always win? You tell your lawyer to take the case to court.

    How many negotiations break down at this stage, and how many clients are feeling dissatisfied? How many lawyers are also feeling frustrated and dissatisfied?

    The typical lawyer response would be to justify the “fairness” of the deal. I believe we are so ingrained in our defensiveness that we bring strategies used in war to our communication. We become defensive any time we feel the need to protect ourselves. We develop barriers in our communication. We are protecting our egos, our self-image. Many lawyers engage in power struggles with their own clients, to try to convince the client that the proposed settlement is fair, and is in the client’s best interests.

    As a lawyer in this situation I know I have felt frustrated with my client. I would try to convince him/her that the deal is more than fair; it would cost a small fortune to take this matter to court, with no guaranteed result, and I would tell him/her that they need to look at the big picture. In effect, I would be engaging in a power struggle with my client. My client is in a power struggle with their separated spouse, and I am also in a power struggle with the spouse’s lawyer.

    When I was faced with this situation recently I made a conscious effort to try the methods of “Powerful Non-Defensive Communication” taught by Sharon Strand Ellison.

    I first asked the client “what do you mean by fair”? The client was most upset and angry and continued to complain that they were tired of conceding, why did their spouse have to always win, etc. I then said: I hear you saying that your spouse’s proposal to reimburse her for some income tax is not fair to you and you want me to dissolve the negotiations, and take this matter to court. Yet at the same time you have said to me on numerous occasions that you want this over, that you are finding it incredibly stressful, you are having trouble sleeping, and you feel ill at times. You also have told me that the legal costs are killing you. And I know I have told you under the law model the result is not always so crystal clear, and there is a range of likely outcomes in terms of what a court might order, and the amount they are seeking is within that range, then I believe that you are responding right now from emotion because you are upset, and I think you should think about how you want to respond formally before giving me any further instructions.

    My client agreed, and shortly thereafter we reached a final settlement.

    What would the client/lawyer relationship look like if we could remove the power struggle from our relationships? What if we could change the way we communicate and we could all model effective communication techniques for each other? What impact might that have on our negotiations with spouses, and other lawyers?

    I believe it is possible to remove the power struggle from our relationships, even with our teenage children, our spouses, and with other lawyers. We can change the world one word at a time.

    Karen Thompson-Harry, B.A.(Hons), JD.

    Barrister and Solicitor, Mediator, Arbitrator, Collaborative Family Lawyer

    1 Wellington Rd. 124

    Erin Ontario N0B 1T0

    Telephone: (519) 833 0040

    Fax: (519) 833 0041

    Toll Free: 1 866 969 0040