Collaborative lawyer Victoria Smith is quoted in this article featured in the March 5, 2009 issue of the Globe and Mail. Click here to view the article....Read More
A three-part series on the state of divorce in Ontario which ran in the Toronto Star January 27, 28 and 29, 2009. The focus on Wednesday, January 28 is Collaborative...Read More
Sheila Kirsh was interviewed by Bill Kelly on AM900 CHML on the subject of child support. ...Read More
Shirley Levitan, Co-Chair of the Public Awareness Committee, is interviewed on AM 640 CFMJ and speaks about the collaborative process. ...Read More
Shirley Levitan, Co-Chair of the Public Awareness Committee, is interviewed on AM Talk 820 on the subject of parental support obligations. ...Read More
Richard Goodfellow’s first instinct when he and his wife, Barbara, decided to divorce after 23 years of marriage was to phone a “classic Rottweiler” lawyer. Lu...Read More
For years before his 1987 divorce, Mike Brown was a drinker– a bad drinker who could flip from popular jokester to angry bully in less time than it takes to down a...Read More
This article first published in the September issue of Today’s Parent, highlights the many benefits of Collaborative Practice for separating parents and their chil...Read More
CPT Financial Professionals Kathryn Jankowski and Eva Sachs were featured in a “Money 401” column by Ellen Roseman in the Toronto Star. The many benefits that Co...Read More
Recently separated, Nick and Jessica are poised for a major court battle. But as MARGIE RUTLEDGE writes, there are ways to split up without becoming enemies. If ...Read More
Victoria Smith, a collaborative lawyer and a Board member of Collaborative Practice Toronto was interviewed by Michael Enright from the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora...Read More
“What is Collaborative Law? I’m trying to decide what route to take to resolve my divorce, and I’m wondering how Collaborative Law differs from methods such as...Read More