By Diane F. Daly There are a small number of family law matters that head to court and must be decided by a judge. They often involve parties, one or both of wh...Read More
By Meredith Cox In addition to all the bad things we associate with the advent of television, there is another item to put on the list. All the lawyer shows have ...Read More
By Marie Nickle Most family law court matters settle before trial and many of those matters should not have been brought to court in the first place. Court is exp...Read More
By Christine A. Torry Like many of my colleagues, I have learned some fundamental truths working in the field of family law for almost 30 years. Those lessons are w...Read More
By Fareen L. Jamal and Jessie Lamont Lawyers report the practise of family law litigation to be particularly toxic. The Collaborative Family Law Process creates a...Read More
By Karen Thompson-Harry, B.A.(Hons), JD Is there anyone out there who has not heard of the bestseller, "Fifty Shades of Grey"? The following summary is from Wikip...Read More
by Bronwen Bruch, BMath, CMA, FDS The answer to this question would be sometimes; but not always. A Financial Professional can fi...Read More
by Fareen Jamal I read an interesting account of one woman's experience with her divorce, (in Hann McDonough and Christina Bartha,...Read More
By Marie Nickle This process is a vehicle for lawyers to actually provide a meaningful service for clients. And why wouldn't we? We are so well positioned to do so...Read More
By Bronwen Bruch It seems so simple! Divide the property in half, use the guidelines to calculate spousal support, and use the tables to calculate the child suppo...Read More
By Beverley Martel The Collaborative Process is based on full disclosure and mutual respect. Parties and their lawyers sign a Participation Agreement acknowledgin...Read More
By Kathryn Jankowski Some judges ask collaboratively trained professionals to attempt to bring the 'essence' of the collaborative divorce to their litigious divorc...Read More