The Place for Conflict in the Collaborative Process

Rita Pollock and Linda Solomon, internationally renowned trainers and practitioners, will provide a one-day workshop which will explore the meaning of conflict in the collaborative practice. Mark your calendars, this is an event not to be missed!

Research tells us that 95% of people are conflict avoidant. What does that mean? Are you? How do you know? If so, how do you manage conflict in the collaborative process?

Learning about a variety of conflict response and management styles helps us make the most of conflict, in the case, on the Team, at work, at play and at home. Is your primary style to Avoid conflict? To Compromise? Cooperate? To Jump into the fray? Does it change or remain the same depending on the setting, circumstances, players?

How does your conflict management style ‘line-up’ with those of your clients, colleagues, Team-mates;  maybe it’s a good thing if it doesn’t.

Participants will consider the meaning, the challenge and the potential benefit of conflict in our cases, as well as our collaborative communities. Learning about our own preferred style and how to make it work with others will enhance the effectiveness of our collaborative work and may lead to a deeper, more satisfying outcome for the clients.

Click here to download Speakers’ Bios.

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