CPT Style Guide


Core Colours

Supplementary Colours


Heading One

h1: PMN Caecilia Roman | 50px | $black

Heading Two

h2: PMN Caecilia Roman | 30px | $black

Heading Three

h3: PMN Caecilia Roman | 21px | $black

Heading Four

h4: PMN Caecilia Roman | 18px | $black

Heading Five

h5: PMN Caecilia Roman | 16px | $black

Heading Six

h6: Lato Normal | 12px | $taupe | uppercase

This is a sample paragraph. I do not clearly remember the arrival of the curate, so that probably I dozed. I became aware of him as a seated figure in soot-smudged shirt sleeves, and with his upturned, clean-shaven face staring at a faint flickering that danced over the sky. The sky was what is called a mackerel sky--rows and rows of faint down-plumes of cloud, just tinted with the midsummer sunset.

Content can contain inline styles such as hyperlinks, strong text and emphasizied text

p: Lato Normal | 16px | $black

An introductory paragraph is a great way to summarise the content before the reader really digs into the detail of your story. With a .intro class attached, this special paragraph can have a unique text size while inheriting its other attributes from it's parent.

p.intro: Lato Book | 20px | $black

" This is a blockquote, an element that represents a section that is being quoted from another source."

blockquote: PMN Caecelia Light | 18px | $black

Typography Utility Classes

.text-center: For center aligned text.


All icons should be added to the custom built icon font, using the IcoMoon generator. Use the config file found in the _fonts folder to load and modifty the font on IcoMoon. Make sure to save and update the config file, font files and vendor/_icomoon.scss when you're done!


.icon-twitter: Use IcoMoo provided classes to add icons where the mapped character shouldn't appear in the markup. (i.e. This shouldn't read as "t Twitter", icon is added via CSS only)

.icon: Use a generic icon class and a character entity when the entity is meaningful in your markup. (i.e. ⇒ is an arrow character in all font-faces, so it's safe to use in markup.)



Default Button


Green Button


Blue Button


White Button



Form Title

form, label, input, select, textarea: default styles are mainly for appearance | add layout styles using grid markup or custom css
.form-title: use whichever heading markup is appropriate and add this class to change bottom margin
input[type="submit"]: use the standard .button class in your markup



We're using the grid system from Foundation 3. Read up on the documentation.

Helpful Classes and Mixins

You may find the following classes useful for layout:

.clearfix | @include clearfix(); Applies a micro clearfix. Add directly in markup with a class, or include the mixin in Sass.

@include hidden(); Visually hide an element but keep it visible to screen readerss.

.bottomless: Removes a bottom margin from an element which has one by default