American Academy of Professional Mediators – Annual Conference in Washington

Selling Peace in an Adversarial World

Attend this year’s APFM Conference #APFM2015 to meet some of the nation’s most renowned family mediators and learn the secrets of their success.

Here are a few of the conference sessions designed to help you grow your practice:
• Quit Your Day Job: Make Money Mediating
• Developing and Marketing a Successful Elder Mediation Practice
• eMarketing Your Family Mediation Practice
• 40 Years of Marketing Mediation: Successes and Lessons Learned
• 7+ Cross-promotion Strategies to Boost Word-of-Mouth Referrals
• Emerging Technologies to Advertise Your Mediation Practice: Social media, Website, Blogging, Online Branding
• Marketing Mediation in Sound Bytes
• SEO Is Not Enough. Online Advertising with Google & Facebook
• Am I relevant to my prospects?: Three 2015 Marketing Best Practices
We also have numerous workshops about improving your skills as a mediator, adding news skills, and learning additional information that will be useful to your clients.


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